Hello Christian!
Post by Christian NeumairPost by Luca CapelloFWIW, the file is missing the license bits ;-)
Unfortunetely, libthinkfinger seems to be GPL where LGPL should have
been used. I'll double-license the patchset as GPL/LGPL, and choose
GPL for the gtk demo application.
FYI, I won't discuss anything about licenses.
Post by Christian NeumairThanks, although I don't quite see how your patch bundling helps.
Well, I prepared my patch not for review, but for non-technical users,
because it would have been quite hard to compile the demo application.
IMHO even if the program was intended to be a demo, the background
code (i.e. the patches for libpam-thinkfinger and tf-tool) will
probably end up upstream, thus the more the tests by end-users are,
the better it is.
Post by Christian NeumairI'm not sure whether the authentication program is usable in this
form, and whether it makes sense to distribute it at all.
FWIW, you distributed it when you posted it to the list ;-)
Post by Christian NeumairRegading maturity: You must at least protect the callback with
gdk_threads_enter() and gdk_threads_enter().
I'm not a skilled programmer and I haven't checked at the code, just
tested it as it is.
Post by Christian NeumairRegarding usability: It was meant to be a technology study,
eventually I wanted to modify gnome-about-me, where the account
password can be changed already.
Agree, thus we will have something similar to the account password,
i.e. a CLI utility (tf-tool) and a GTK+ one (gnome-about-me). So, I
think the integration should do something like the following (again
similar to what "Change password..." does):
1) check if the user belongs to the fingerprint/thinkfinger group
2) authenticate the user or exit explaining why
3) acquire the fingerprint
Just my 0.02€...
Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca