[Thinkfinger-devel] Strings for return values
Dennis Kasprzyk
2007-01-31 23:18:31 UTC

With the help of http://www.upek.com/support/pdf/BioAPI_PerfectMatchBSP1.5.pdf
and the localisation tfmessbsp.pot file (that is included in the closed
source driver), I was able to find out the correct strings for the returned
values from the sensor.

0x00 = "Scanned good image"
0x01 = "No finger detected"
0x02 = "Image is too light"
0x03 = "Finger is too dry"
0x04 = "Image is too dark"
0x05 = "Finger is too high"
0x06 = "Finger is too low"
0x07 = "Finger is too left"
0x08 = "Finger is too right"
0x09 = "Image is too small"
0x0A = "Image is too bad"
0x0B = "Bad quality"
0x0C = "Put finger"
0x0D = "Put finger 2nd time"
0x0E = "Put finger 3rd time"
0x0F = "Remove finger"
0x10 = "Consolidation fail"
0x11 = "Consolidation OK"
0x12 = "Clean the sensor"
0x13 = "Keep finger on the sensor"
0x14 = "GUI start"
0x15 = "Verification start"
0x16 = "Enrollment start"
0x17 = "Finger detection start"
0x18 = "GUI finished"
0x19 = "Operation succeeded"
0x1A = "Operation failed"
0x1B = ???
0x1C = "Swipe too fast"
0x1D = "Swipe too skewed"
0x1E = "Swipe too short"
0x1F = "Touch sensor"
0x20 = "Image processing"
0x21 = ???
0x22 = "Backward movement!"
0x23 = "Finger joint"
0x24 = "Center finger"
0x25 = "Processing finished"

Dietz Pröpper
2007-02-01 12:29:43 UTC
Post by Dennis Kasprzyk
With the help of
http://www.upek.com/support/pdf/BioAPI_PerfectMatchBSP1.5.pdf and the
localisation tfmessbsp.pot file (that is included in the closed source
driver), I was able to find out the correct strings for the returned
values from the sensor.

You can find the missing ones in the TFMESS_BSP_LIN.pdf that comes with the
TFMESS_BSP_LIN_1.0.zip file from the site above.

kindest regards
