Post by Stephan BerberigI tried to adopt pam_thinkfinger to be compatible with PAM <=
0.81. I used pam_keyring [1] as an example.
Thank you Stephan! Finally I can have the fingerprint reader on
Debian :-)
Post by Stephan BerberigAttached is my patch. But it's NOT working.
Well, at least on a clean Debian etch (pam-0.79) and following the
instructions in the READM it works with small glitches:
1) no output asking to swiping the finger on console neither on GDM
(GNOME Display Manager), but this is a known problem as of [1]
2) the login process asks for username, password and wait for the
fingerprint, both console and GDM, but on the console you don't
know it's waiting because there's no output, while on GDM there's a
new input dialog window. Thus, the proposed pam_module at [1]
isn't respected, because there's no:
Enter password *or* swipe your finger
[empty message and waiting for the fingerprint]
Moreover, will a way to login without providing the username be
Post by Stephan BerberigPAM unable to resolve symbol: pam_sm_chauthtok
I've the same message on my /var/log/auth.log, but this doesn't cause
any segmentation fault:
Jan 20 16:44:12 gismo login[3568]: PAM unable to resolve symbol: pam_sm_chauthtok
Jan 20 16:44:12 gismo login[3568]: PAM unable to resolve symbol: pam_sm_chauthtok
Jan 20 16:44:16 gismo login[3568]: (pam_unix) session opened for user luca by (uid=0)
Jan 20 16:44:17 gismo login[3568]: (pam_unix) session closed for user luca
BTW, if Stephane's patch will be accepted, the following patch for
README should also be applied:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
--- README (revision 21)
+++ README (working copy)
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
- the GCC compiler (http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/)
- libtool (http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool/)
- pkg-config (http://pkgconfig.freedesktop.org)
-- the Linux-PAM, development files, version >= 0.81
- (http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/)
+- the Linux-PAM, development files (http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/)
- libusb, development files, version >= 0.1.12 (http://libusb.sourceforge.net/)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca
[1] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=37877511